Here is a sequential list in reverse chronological order of all the posts on this blog, separated by year.
Batch Convert HEIC Files to JPEG on Windows
HiDPI Fix for Spotify on Ubuntu
Taming power-hungry Linux laptops
Six weeks at Discourse
CSV header converters in Ruby
Per-page background images using Prawn and Ruby
Prevent remote: true links opening in new tabs or windows in Rails
ImageMagick unable to load module error on AWS Lambda
Rails Forms with Virtus and ActiveModel
Subset Sum Problem in Ruby
Find duplicate rows in SQL
Global rescue_from error in Rails application_controller
Getting nodejs file permissions from fs.stat mode
field_with_errors changes page appearance in Rails
SOLID Object Oriented Design by Sandi Metz
Set Timezone from Terminal OSX
Invalid Byte Sequence in US-ASCII
Expanded Output Format for PSQL
PhantomJS Element Not Found Using Capybara
Jim Weirich Ruby Talks
Simulating the Mouse Click Event in JavaScript
Git Shortcuts with FZF
Custom Time Formats in Rails
Back to Ruby
Organising C# using Statements in Visual Studio
Sharing dynamic Objects Between Assemblies in C#
Why You Should Not Use Medium for Your Personal Blog
The Fundamentals of Flow in 10-ish Minutes
My Writing Blog
Terminal Shortcuts
JSON Schema
Why xUnit?
Easy HTTPS With Let's Encrypt
Google Chrome to Start Marking HTTP Connections Insecure
ng-stats AngularJS Profiling Tool
Fast SQL Server Paging
ng-options Undefined On Select
Creating Share Buttons With Just URLs
From Wordpress to Jekyll High CPU Usage
Changes to NPM’s Unpublish Policy
NPM Drama
I’m Back
ES7 Decorators
Duration Parsing Using Juration
Angular Directive Isolate Scope Explained
A Review
this is not allowed before super
Using $q.all() to Resolve Multiple Promises
Mocks, Stubs, and Injections: Unit Testing in Angular.JS
ES6 Basics
Learning Angular Q&A
Highlighting JavaScript this Keyword in Sublime Text 2
LINK: AngularJS Styleguide by @john_papa
LINK: Using “Controller as” Syntax in Angular Routes
LiveReload With Gulp
Writing and Programming, Crafts Worth Honing
Lessons Learned From Building Rain
Render an ERB Template from a Hash
Goodbye RequireJS, Hello Browserify
What makes a bad software developer?
Sensible .NET REST APIs with AttributeRouting.NET
Run shell commands from Ruby
DocuSign Connect XML Schema
Print GitHub Markdown Bookmarklet
Could not successfully convert UCS-2 string to UTF-8
The SMS That Started It All
Failed to build gem native extension on OSX Mavericks
Another Year, Another Redesign
Add Open With Sublime Text 2 to Windows Context Menu
ContentResult or ViewResult Response Based on Context
Custom UTC DateTime Model Binding for MVC
Enable Gzip Compression in IIS
Service Timestamp Issue for DocuSign
.NET MVC 4 Model Binding Null on Post
Moving SVN Branches and Repos
Visual Studio 2013 Avoid Copying Blank Lines by Dirk Strauss
Run AWS Elastic Beanstalk Config Commands Only Once
Box-Sizing Border-Box for CSS Grids
Extension Methods in .NET
EC2 Instance Metadata
Auto-Generate Property In VB.NET
Getting It Done
Callback Hell
Custom VisualSVN Post-Commit Hook Using Visual Studio
Using Reserved Words as Identifiers in VB.NET by Theo Gray
Blog Redesign
A Baseline For Frontend Developers by Rebecca Murphey
Why Rails by Claudio Ortolina
Progressively Fade Elements Using jQuery
Using Disqus For Comments
Change: A Two-Faced Devil by Anthony Ferrara
On Being a Junior Developer by Matt Sencenbaugh
The Dirty Truth Behind IIF()
Install Ruby and Rubygems on Windows
Semantic templates with Mustache.js and Handlebars.js
Aha! #1 ASP.NET ASHX Video Streaming for HTML5 Video
Development Habitats
SASS vs. LESS, The CSS Preprocessor Debate
PHP, mySQL and FTP on an Amazon EC2 Instance
The Beginning