• Why Rails by Claudio Ortolina

    I’ve been coding another app recently to learn Rails and by extension Ruby. I thought I’d link to Claudio’s article that recently appeared on Nettuts+ that outlines some reasons why you might want to start learning Rails and Ruby. Why Rails by Claudio Ortolina.

    For me, the main reasons that I wanted to start learning Rails was because there is always plenty of buzz about it in the web development community, and I’d started learning the syntax of Ruby and I really liked how simple and expressive it was.

    The MVC architecture of Rails also appealed to me, and I was looking for a change from .Net. I’ve found that its great for MVC and RESTful URLs, and I’ve been really enjoying how easy it is to separate concerns, and the ease of use of creating business and database logic using Models has been a godsend.

    I’ve had a couple of hiccups so far with my learning but I can already see that I am going to enjoy learning and using Rails.

  • Progressively Fade Elements Using jQuery

    I’m currently working on a Rails app to learn the framework and Ruby as a language a bit better. The app displays a list of elements in order of date created on the main page, and I decided that I would progressively fade the elements using jQuery depending on how old they were. I decided to share the algorithm I came up with to help anyone else who is trying to do the same thing.


  • Using Disqus For Comments

    I was recently creating a status blog for our web application and services at work to inform users of potential downtime and the current service status, and as a microblogging platform where we could present new features of the application. We decided to use WordPress, naturally, and we set it up on a new Amazon EC2 instance using a public WordPress AMI. As I was styling the website, I wasn’t really getting anywhere with the design of the comments section, which is a problem I often have. Having seen Disqus being used much more frequently on prominent websites, including its recent adoption as comment provider by the Envato tutsplus network, I decided to start using Disqus for comments on this new blog. What I found was far better than I had ever expected.


  • Change: A Two-Faced Devil by Anthony Ferrara

    Change is always unavoidable in software projects; without it, our applications would not grow and evolve but would rather remain stagnant and unusable, and eventually collapse under their own weight. This article by Anthony Ferrara goes over the difference between Constructive Change and Destructive Change, which hit close to home with me at the moment because at work we are going through some destructive changes to our LMS application, that will ultimately be for everyone’s benefit. Users and developers included.

    Change: A Two-Faced Devil by Anthony Ferrara

  • On Being a Junior Developer by Matt Sencenbaugh

    I just read this great article by Matt Sencenbaugh that details his experiences as a Junior Developer, and a list of what he wishes someone told him when he was first starting out. You can find the article here:

    On Being A Junior Developer at mattsencenbaugh.com


  • The Dirty Truth Behind IIF()

    I was having trouble using the VB.NET IIF() feature today, it was not behaving the way that I expected it would in that it was still evaluating both results no matter whether or not the expression was returning True or False.


  • Install Ruby and Rubygems on Windows

    I recently started a developing a new ASP.NET MVC project, which I’m developing on Windows using Parallels Desktop. I decided to once again use Compass and SASS for the CSS, which required me to install Ruby on Windows, something I’ve never done before. While fairly straightforward in the end, I thought I’d document the process here because it took some time to figure out how to install Ruby and Rubygems on Windows.


  • Semantic templates with Mustache.js and Handlebars.js

    Have you ever found yourself mixing in HTML markup with your Javascript logic in increasingly elaborate and difficult ways and crying dramatically to the heavens “There must surely be a better way!”? Well I’m here to tell you that there is, and it comes in the form of logic-less, semantic templates using two different facial hair inspired systems; Mustache.js and Handlebars.js.


  • Aha! #1 ASP.NET ASHX Video Streaming for HTML5 Video

    I think that solving a programming problem that has haunted you for days, weeks or months is one of the best feelings you can get as a developer. I had one of these moments over the weekend and I thought I’d put it on here as a reminder to me and to help anyone else out who may be having the same problem.


  • Development Habitats

    This article shows its age. The only things I use here now are GitHub and Dropbox.

    One of the things I find fascinating about being in a community of web developers is the huge difference between the workspaces, development environments and software preferences of individual developers. In this article, I’ll go over some of the applications, web services and hardware that I use when developing in my spare time. Please note that I am not in any way endorsed by or affiliated with any of these companies, I just love their products and services!


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