I came across this subtle gotcha related to an ng-options option being undefined on select the other day at work. The initial problem was that out of a list of over a hundred or so options, one of them would cause the required form field validation to kick in because it was undefined on select. I eventually tracked it down to an issue deep within Angular’s options code, and the problem was actually nothing to do with Angular itself.

ng-options Internals

The first thing I had to do was track down where exactly ng-options got the selected value. Basically, what ng-options does internally is make a big hash map of the options’ values as keys, along with the type of the option. So for example if this is our setup in our controller:

this.countries = [{
  id: 1,
  text: 'Australia'  
}, {
  id: 2,
  text: 'USA'
}, {
  id: 3,
  text: 'United Kingdom'
}, {
  id: 4,
  text: 'Canada'
}, {
  id: 5,
  text: 'India'

With a controllerAs of vm. And this is our template:

<select ng-model="vm.selectedCountry" ng-options="country.text as country.text for country in vm.countries"></select>

We end up with this as a hash map in ng-options:

  'string:Australia': value,
  'string:USA': value,
  'string:United Kingdom': value,
  'string:Canada': value,
  'string:India': value

As you can see here I’m using the text key as both the value and the display text for ng-options. And this works great, it uses the .val() of the select element to get the hash map key and then the correct value for the ng-option. You can see this working correctly in the plunkr below:


The problem

However, if we introduce jQuery and untrimmed string into the equation we get a big problem. In the absence of jQuery Angular uses JQLite for jQuery-like functionality such as getting the .val() of an element. There is one main difference; jQuery trims the value it gets with .val() and JQLite does not. So in the following situation in our controller (Canada has a space at the end):

this.countries = [{
  id: 1,
  text: 'Australia'  
}, {
  id: 2,
  text: 'USA'
}, {
  id: 3,
  text: 'United Kingdom'
}, {
  id: 4,
  text: 'Canada '
}, {
  id: 5,
  text: 'India'

We end up with this as a hash map in ng-options:

  'string:Canada ': value

And this as a select option:

<option value="string:Canada ">Canada</option>

So when we select Canada from our options Angular goes and looks it up in the hashmap with a trimmed value, provided by jQuery instead of JQLite, while originally it was made with an untrimmed value. So we end up with undefined instead. What we are looking for:

var selectedOption = options.selectValueMap['string:Canada'];

What we should be looking for:

var selectedOption = options.selectValueMap['string:Canada '];

A working example of this can be found in the plunkr below, if you select different options the values will be logged. See what happens when you choose Canada!


The actual code angular uses in ngOptions can be found here:

angular/angular.js ngOptions.js

The Solution

The solution is to either a) not use jQuery with Angular or b) trim all of your ng-options values! Remember, this is only a problem when using the same string as the value and the text of your ng-options, and when Angular is combined with jQuery.